Know Your Gift: Free Reading

You may be saying: Why is it important to know my gift? or I already know my gift! Well, hearing about your gift from a perfect stranger is quite powerful.

That's one of the reasons why people get readings from me. You could easily tap into your own intuition about things, but sometimes it's nice to get that confirmation from someone else whom you don't know intimately.

With that said, a free on-line reading is the next best thing to the real deal. Especially when it was written by me -- Abella Arthur, a practicing professional reader -- and it's a fun thing to do. :)


Free Reading Instructions

  1. Select your month from the drop down box.
  2. Then enter your birth day in numerical format. E.g. If you were born on the 5th day, enter 05 or 5
  3. Followed by, entering your year of birth. E.g. If you were born in 1963, enter 1963
  4. Now press the Know Your Gift button.
  5. Voila, you will be taken to your gift that you have owned since you were born. :)